Friday, May 29, 2020

Crisis Girls (rank 4)

Publisher: Seven Seas Volumes: 1-2 (Complete), In Print Shounen Genre: Comedy, Fighting, Supernatural

Summary: The Crisis Girls are young girls born with cursed powers that could easily be abused for evil. Acknowledging this, the city has appointed guardians and training for the young girls to protect the city from a number of supernatural, Godzilla-like threats to make sure they use their powers for good. The main character, Grave-digger Kaede strives to become a hero to make her guardian proud. Review: This series is such a shame. I didn’t really expect it to be any good from the current low ratings it has around the internet. I liked the artwork and concept. But reading it is a mishmash of a story that never really decides where it’s going. Grave-digger Kaede is introduced as a necromancer who can bring the dead back to life, but then the powers she actually uses to fight are her shovel and some kind of super strength and super durability. The necromancy stuff literally only gets used for a few gags here and there past the opening chapter. A lot of the villains she fights are ridiculously contrived, as is the plot and the other characters as well. It has a huge cast for a 2 volume series, which pretty much screams “I had writer’s block.” And the plot can't settle down into a coherent story and instead settles for a random mix of one shots starring Kaede and friends. All of the nonsense would be excusable if it were funny, but somehow it never really gets past mildly entertaining. There was only one funny scene in it, involving some hostage training that I won’t spoil. I wish the whole series had been more like that. Not Recommended. It's mildly entertaining but never really adds up to anything special.

Age Rating: PG13 mostly for violence

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